Gerry Hanan’s Austin Fashion Week Team – Fashion Assassins – submission for team photo shoot competition

Check out my team’s entry for this years Fashion Week Mash Up comprising the skills of photographer, designer, hair stylist, makeup artist and jeweler and our two AMAZING models.

Until midnight August 2oth 2010, you can click to vote for this for the peoples choice award and the awards are then given out at the Fashion Awards on the 21st.

The URLto vote for my team entry is

and the […]


Gerry Hanan interview with GSD&M for Fashion Week ‘Profiles in Creativity’ series now live on their YouTube channel

Yesterday on Friday the 13th, (definitely not unlucky for me :)  the video of my interview that was done with GSD&M for their Profiles in Creativity series launched.

It was the final interview conducted with 5 creative professionals who are participating in Fashion week. Saturday the 14th marks the huge kick off event at the GSD&M Idea City offices here in Austin Texas.



Gerry Hanan interviewed by GSD&M Idea City for their Profiles in Creativity video series for Fashion Week.

I just completed a video interview with GSD&M, the largest ad agency in Austin Texas. GSD&M Idea City is an advertising agency that has helped grow some of the world’s most successful brands. For more information visit GSD&M Idea City is part of Omnicom Group, Inc. (NYSE: OMC) and their client list includes PGA Tour, BMW, US Air Force, American Red Cross, John Deere, Hallmark and […]


Communication Arts Magazine 51st Annual Photography competition winner and published in the July / August photo annual issue

Earlier this year I entered a photography competition for the first time.  It is in a magazine called Communication Arts, and this is their 51st annual photography competition.  The magazine, often seen lying around in studios,  is heralded as the most influential publication for art directors and creative directors and has world-wide distribution.

I was incredibly excited and  honored when I got the email a few weeks back announcing that […]

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