Kyrgyzstan: Day 2 of Los Bad Apples Middle East Tour ’09
Kyrgyzstan - Day 2 - Getting off base for lunch, meeting with Colonel Christopher Bence - 376 AEW Commander; being introduced to the "Coin Challenge," machine guns, hummers - a full day.
Kyrgyzstan - Day 2 - Getting off base for lunch, meeting with Colonel Christopher Bence - 376 AEW Commander; being introduced to the "Coin Challenge," machine guns, hummers - a full day.
I have just returned from the adventure of a lifetime travelling accross 4 countries in the middle east for 17 days following the band Los Bad Apples on their Armed Forces Entertainment tour to play for troops stationed abroad. I hope through my words and photographs that you can capture some of the excitement and adventure of our travels.
We flew from Austin to London, from […]